The Challenge

Uganda has made significant strides in enhancing access to education, employment, and social services for its citizens. However, rural youth, who comprise over half of the population, continue to face immense challenges in their daily lives, with far-reaching consequences for their future. With over 70% of the population under the age of 30 and an average of 5.6 children per family, Uganda has one of the youngest and fastest-growing populations globally.

Despite this, rural youth confront structural inequalities, limiting their ability to sustain themselves and their families. Traditional beliefs, gender inequality, climate change and limited economic opportunities in rural areas hinder their ability to complete school, secure formal employment, and reach their full potential. Some parents view education as a waste of time and resources, opting for early marriage to secure lifelong security. Unplanned pregnancies and pre-marital relationships are often met with shame, leading to abandonment and rejection by families and communities.

As a result, rural youth are heavily dependent on their families’ decisions, lacking control over their time and life. Suppressed, undervalued, and undermined, life as a young person in rural Uganda is challenging, with a profound impact on their future. Denying rural youth access to education, employment, and social services not only impedes societal development but also wastes human resources, affecting the country’s social and economic prosperity.

Empowering rural youth in Uganda to access higher education, health services, and decent work increases their chances of contributing to a diverse and just environment, driving inclusive economic growth. By addressing these inequalities, we can unlock the potential of rural youth and pave the way for a brighter future for Uganda.

“Empowering rural youth increases their chances to contribute to a diverse and just society and contributes to inclusive economic growth.”

GRM Approach

Empowering Rural Youth, Enriching Communities, and Nurturing the Planet

Our mission is to educate, equip, and inspire rural young people to become catalysts for positive change. We focus on three key areas:

  • Education: Unlocking potential through trade skills and knowledge
  • Community Empowerment: Fostering resilience and pride in indigenous identity
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture: Cultivating sustainable livelihoods and environmental stewardship

Together, we strive to create a brighter future, where rural communities thrive, and the next generation leads with purpose, wisdom, and heart.